
what are we proposing?

Pennant Walters is seeking to develop a wind farm of up to 20MW capacity on a site to the east of Newbridge and Abercarn, South Wales, known as Trecelyn Wind Farm.

Project scope

The project proposals include:

  • Up to four turbines with a 145m tip height (c.4-6MV per turbine)
  • Crane pads at each turbine location
  • Turbine foundations
  • Transformers housed either within or adjacent to turbines
  • New access together with new and improved internal wind farm tracks
  • A site sub-station building
  • Underground power cables linking the turbines and the on-site substation
  • Temporary construction compounds, laydown, and storage areas; and
  • Grid connection infrastructure, including the on-site substation, control building and overhead connection into the existing overhead line, together with construction enabling works.

The wind farm will be designed with an operational life of 30 years, exporting renewable energy directly to the National Grid's Distribution network.

Further information, including the technical documents, can be downloaded from the Project Documents page.



Click here to view the turbine layout for Trecelyn Wind Farm

As the proposed wind farm will generate more than 10MW of electricity it is defined as a Development of National Significance (DNS). This means that the planning application will be submitted to the Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) and considered by an Inspector with the final decision made by Welsh Ministers. More information on this process can be found here.

Pennant Walters submitted a scoping request to PINS to ensure the appropriate environmental studies were carried out before the statutory consultation. The results of these can be found in the Project Documents section of the website.

This project is one of a number of new proposed wind farm schemes being brought forward by Pennant Walters, and the Project team is committed to informing, engaging and consulting through the design and planning process, to ensure local communities and stakeholders have an opportunity to contribute their views. Further information about other projects can be found on the Pennant Walters website.

Frequently asked questions

These FAQs provide some information about the proposals.

If you have any additional questions not covered below, please feel free to contact the project team via this website

What are we proposing to develop?

Pennant Walters is seeking to develop a wind farm of up to 20MW to the east of Newbridge and Abercarn, South Wales, known as Trecelyn Wind Farm.

The project is comprising of:

  • Up to four turbines with a 145m tip height (c.4-6MV per turbine)
  • Crane pads at each turbine location
  • Turbine foundations
  • Transformers housed either within or adjacent to turbines
  • New access together with new and improved internal wind farm tracks
  • A site sub-station building
  • Underground power cables linking the turbines and the on-site substation
  • Temporary construction compounds, laydown, and storage areas; and
  • Grid connection infrastructure, including the on-site substation, control building and overhead connection into the existing overhead line, together with construction enabling works.

It is estimated that the wind farm will generate up to 20MW of electricity, which is equivalent to providing enough power to meet the annual electricity needs of approximately 13,135 homes [1]. 


Where is the site?

The proposed wind farm site is located across three parcels of land to the east of Abercarn and Newbridge, and to the west of Mynydd Maen. The site lies entirely within Caerphilly County Borough Council's administrative area.

Who will decide whether or not this Project receives planning permission?

As this project will deliver up to 20MW of wind energy it will constitute a Development of National Significance (DNS) under the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 and Pennant Walters must apply to the Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW), which will make a recommendation to Welsh Ministers on whether or not to grant planning permission.

Ultimately, Welsh Ministers will decide whether or not to approve the application, however many other parties will have the opportunity to influence the proposals, including host local authority, Caerphilly County Borough Council, as well as local communities and interested parties.

Why has this site been chosen?

Pennant Walters has undertaken an extensive review of appropriate sites across South Wales. This site has been identified within a Pre-Assessed Area (PAA) for onshore wind by the Welsh Government in its ‘Future Wales’ document. This acts as the blueprint for how Wales can meet its aspiration to achieve 100% of its energy consumption from renewable sources, as well as 1.5GW of renewable energy capacity being locally owned by 2035.

How can local communities and interested parties influence the development of the proposals?

We are undertaking an extensive pre-application community consultation exercise prior to submitting an application to PEDW. This involves two rounds of public consultation, including the previous early engagement consultation and the current statutory consultation period as required by the DNS regulations set out in the Planning (Wales) Act 2015.

How will the proposed project support the local community, economy and involve the local supply chain?

Trecelyn Wind Farm offers opportunities for considerable community benefits of various kinds, including the direct benefit of investment in the local area (and supply chain), and opportunity for employment generation. Pennant Walters ensures that community consideration and local ownership are integral to its wind farm proposals. Examples of previous projects and how they have contributed to the local community can be found on the Pennant Walters website (

Further information on community benefit, supply chain and economic investment opportunities can be found on the Community Benefits tab of this website.

Will there be opportunities for local ownership as part of this project?

Yes. We feel that this project could make a significant contribution to Welsh Government targets for local community ownership of at least 1GW by 2030.

Pennant Walters is very supportive of the principle of community ownership and has facilitated this on a number of its other renewable energy projects in South Wales. We will be exploring how best to involve the community in this for Trecelyn Wind Farm and will release further information soon.

Further information on community benefit, supply chain and economic investment opportunities can be found on the Community Benefits tab of this website.

Who are Pennant Walters?

Pennant Walters is Wales’ largest home-grown renewable energy developer. The company was formed in 2003 utilising the Walters Group Welsh land portfolio. Pennant Walters is part of the Walters Group based in Hirwaun - a local company operating nationally, employing up to 500 people in areas such as civil engineering, plant hire, renewable energy and general development.

The group has diversified significantly in the last 20 years. Since 2003 Pennant Walters has developed, built and now operates six wind farms in South Wales along with some solar for a total of 127MW, making it Wales’ largest home-grown renewable energy developer. Our modus operandi is to develop a long-lasting relationship with all stakeholders including surrounding communities, landowners, local authority and regulators.

Is the project planning on using common land?

Yes, but only for temporary works on Mynydd Maen Common during the construction period of the project. Secondary consent under Section 38 of the Commons Act will be requested as part of the final DNS application submitted to PEDW.
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The Wind Farm



The Granary,
Forge Road,
NP10 8AT